The O3b Data Release

Run Overview

  • The third LIGO/Virgo observation run (O3), is divided in two parts, O3a and O3b
  • O3b dates: 1st November 2019 15:00 UTC (GPS 1256655618) to 27th March 2020 17:00 UTC (GPS 1269363618)
  • This documentation refers to the data available from three detectors: H1, L1, and V1.
  • Data are available at the original 16 KHz and the downsampled 4KHz sample rates.
  • In addition to the final version of the strain data, a few additional versions are also available.

Get O3b Data

GWF Channel Names

The final version of the strain data, available using the buttons above, is sourced from the channels:

  • V1:Hrec_hoft_16384Hz

See the technical details page for the channel names used in the O3b 4 kHz and 16 kHz GWF files (ending with extension .gwf).

Alternate Calibration Release

In addition to the final version of the strain data, several additional versions are also available, including different calibration versions and/or cleaning methods.

O3b Detector Performance

Astrophysical Results

Papers including results from O3b can be found following the links below:

Data Quality Segments

Download Segments

Segments Documentation

Hardware Injections

The O3b data set contains simulated astrophysical signals, known as hardware injections, used for testing and calibration. For an example, see the Find a Hardware Injection Tutorial (in the tutorial use the flags for the O3b run described here). For complete documentation, see:

Instrumental Spectral Lines

A power spectral density of LIGO data typically shows a number of spectral lines. Many of these are associated with known instrumental resonances. The O3 instrumental spectral lines page gives an explanation, and catalog, of these instrumental lines.

Representative PSDs

O3b strain

Technical Details

GWOSC 4 kHz strain data have been repackaged and downsampled from 16384 Hz to 4096 Hz. Advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo data are not calibrated or valid below 10 Hz or above 5 kHz, and the data sampled at 4096 Hz are not valid above about 1700 Hz. In most searches for astrophysical sources, data below 20 Hz are not used because the noise is too high. More detailed information about the data set can be seen on the Technical Details page.


To acknowledge the use of O3b data, see the Acknowledgement Page.

Data Set DOI:

Revision History

  • Nov 7, 2021: First release
  • Nov 8, 2021: Updates to links in the Astrophysical Results section
  • June 29, 2022: Added links to the Segments Documentation section
  • August 30, 2022: Added links to MD5 checksums for strain data