import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import readligo as rl #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Load LIGO data from a single file #---------------------------------------------------------------- strain, time, chan_dict = rl.loaddata('H-H1_LOSC_4_V1-815411200-4096.hdf5', 'H1') # ----------------------------------- # Work with a directory of data files # ----------------------------------- start = 842656000 stop = 842670000 segList = rl.getsegs(start, stop, 'H1', flag='CBCLOW_CAT2') #------------------------------------------- # Plot a few seconds of each "good" segment #------------------------------------------- N = 10000 for (begin, end) in segList: # -- Use the getstrain() method to load the data strain, meta, dq = rl.getstrain(begin, end, 'H1') # -- Make a plot plt.figure() ts = meta['dt'] rel_time = np.arange(0, end-begin, meta['dt']) plt.plot(rel_time[0:N], strain[0:N]) plt.xlabel('Seconds since GPS ' + str(begin) )